Altar Serving
Assist the priest during the mass. Children must be enrolled in 5th grade or above.
Contact: Al Caceres, (562)326-9768
Leads and supports the sung prayer of the assembly, uplifting the minds and hearts of the congregants.
Contact: Joe Patolo, (562)421-8966
Eucharistic Ministers
Help to distribute the Body and Blood of Christ to the congregation at each mass.
Contact: Michele Bradley, (562)964-4140
Greet parishioners and welcome visitors to the masses at the entrances, sharing with them the spirit of our Parish community.
Contact: Joe Sava, (562)421-8966
Proclaim the Word of the Lord with clarity and conviction each mass.
Contact: Michele Bradley, (562)964-4140
Help assist mass participants to find seats, take up the collection, facilitate communion flow, and ensure the pews are in order before and after mass.
Contact: Michael Moretine, (562)420-4565
Baptisms, Quinceañeras, and Weddings
Call the Parish Office for more information.
Contact: Linda Ramirez, (562)421-8966
Book Club (Faith and Fiction)
St. Cornelius Faith & Fiction is a discussion group for women.
Contact: Katy Ellis, (562)607-1100
Cub Scouts
Introduces young boys to scouting, where challenges, excitement and fun await them, while developing their citizenship, character, fitness, and leadership skills.
Contact: Matt Seibert, (562)756-7873
A weekend retreat where Catholics can reinvigorate their faith through courses and group activities centered on the fundamental teachings of the Church.
Contact: Deacon Joe Hamamoto, (562)572-3425
Finance Council
A consultative body providing the Pastor with advice concerning the stewardship of Parish fiscal resources.
Contact: Parish Office, (562)421-8966
Knights of Columbus
Catholic fraternal organization dedicated to educational, charitable, religious and social welfare works and providing assistance to needy members and their families.
Contact: Vic Magana, (562)420-3214
OCIA - Order of Christian Initiation for Adults
A gradual process of introduction to Catholic faith beliefs and practices involving reflection, prayer, instruction, discernment, and formation for prospective adult converts to the faith.
Contact: Lorraine Moreno, (562)421-8966
Pastoral Council
Pastoral Council is a consultative body which assists the Pastor in determining how best to meet the ministerial needs of all parishioners.
Contact: Michael Dermody, (661)645-8252
Religious Education
Our Parish-based programs are centered in the Eucharist and are designed to lead children, teens, and families into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ and His Church.
Contact: Cristy Hull, (562)362-6561
Respect Life
Ministry is dedicated to fostering respect for the dignity of human life from conception to natural death in our community.
Contact: Jean Campos, (562)421-8966
Safeguard the Children
A comprehensive program designed to promote a safe environment for children, youth and vulnerable adults and prevent child sexual abuse.
Contact: Parish Office, (562) 421-8966
Young Ladies Institute (YLI)
Seeks to serve God, our Church, and our community through seminarian support and other charities, while promoting friendship, spiritual development, and service.
Contact: Stacy McCombs, (562)547-5450
Youth Ministry & Confirmation
Groups designed to lead teens to see the beauty of the Catholic faith that centers on the love of Jesus Christ.
Contact: Luis Lopez, (562)420-7613
Young Adults
Plans activities for 18-30 year olds to foster prayer, community, and service.
Contact: Miguel Macias, (562)714-7049
Men's Gospel Reflection
We meet weekly to reflect on the upcoming Sunday's Gospel.
Contact: Chris Miraglia, (562)421-8966
Praise & Worship
Leads a joyous experience of Christ's love through the uplifting power of music, worship and community.
Contact: Mike Medina, (562) 607-3004
Prayer Warriors
The Prayer Warriors are happy to pray for your intentions! Please send them your prayer requests to be remembered in their daily prayers. You can add an intention on the Parish website.
Contact: Hilda Ramirez, (562) 421-8966
Women Together in Prayer
Women Together in Prayer connect to their faith through prayer, scripture, song, reflection, community, tears, and laughter.
Contact: Janet Uy, (562) 922-0096
Caring Hands
Hand-making prayer shawls, beanies for the homeless, infant hats, chemo caps, and more.
Contact: Rachel Landesfeind [email protected]
Christian Outreach in Action (COA)
Partners with Christian Outreach in Action to provide a complete dinner with all the fixing for 150 people in need once a month.
Contact: Maria Jimenez, (562) 822-5563
Habitat for Humanity
Supports building and financing homes for low-income families primarily in the Long Beach area.
Contact: Parish Office, (562)421-8966
Lazarus Project
Collects and delivers sack lunches to the Long Beach Rescue Mission every Saturday, and to the homeless on the streets. Donations of coffee, fruit, pancake mix, etc. are encouraged.
Contact: Rose Letson, (562) 755-0862
Hospitality and Homebound Ministry
Brings the Eucharist to all those in the hospital or who are homebound and are unable to come to Church for worship.
Contact: Frank Schmidt, (562) 225-7571
People for Others
Hosts monthly luncheons and social events to bring happiness and companionship to the lonely and forgotten members of our community.
Contact: Jenny Davidoff, (562) 234-7043
St. Vincent de Paul
A Catholic lay organization that enables men and women to grow spiritually by offering assistance to those who are needy and suffering in our community.
Contact: Jacqueline Padilla, (562) 421-8011